Saturday 7 March 2020

An Invitation to husbands, fathers, boyfriends, brothers and grandfathers

So... I have a peculiar problem. For some reason people seem to think that Free2bme is just for women. I repeatedly get the question if Free2Celebrate's weekend seminars are only for women. I am really perplexed by the question every time it comes around since we have never advertised it as a 'women only' seminar.? So I am really not sure where that Idea comes from. It is however true that mostly it is women who attend our weekend seminars, once again I have no idea why men seem to be shy to attend. In addition to this I also often sit with another predicament. When I do have a man that wants to come, they often ask if there are other men also coming. Well often in that moment of the process of registration there is no men or maybe there is 1. Thus, I cannot say yes there are some other men (one other man apparently is not enough) so no men or only a few very brave men end up coming. Well if there would be a man or 2 out there that would be brave enough to register early then at least when I get an inquiry I can say YES! there are other men coming! So I am forever in a catch 22 with this. 

Free2Celebrate is not a church. I am not a woman 'preaching' on the weekend seminars. This is a Christian Counselling Ministry that specializes in the field of personal development or personal enrichment. We focus on identity in Christ, and the gifts of the believer as part of our journey of growing into spiritual maturity. We all need this information, not just so we can understand how God wired us - but also so we can develop a better understanding of how God wired those we love and are in relationship with. 

So I want to extend a special invitation and welcome to all the men, fathers, brothers, husbands, grandfathers, would-be husbands, fathers, grandfathers out there that would want to attend next week's Free2bme at Logos Christian Church in Bellville! Bring your wife, girlfriend, sister, children (high school age) and come discover the treasures within yourself and within them! 

We have extended the RSVP date to 10 March 2020

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