Thursday, 15 February 2018

Celebrating... the next open door!

After 7 years of hard work, many late nights and a fair amount of labour pains it is just amazing for me to be able to give thanks to Jesus for amazing news today.  I have been celebrating all afternoon!

I am convinced that Christian Counsellors can benefit so much from the perspective on personality, Christian character, maturity and the relationship dynamics as a result of our gifts of grace, that I decided to take a leap of faith and apply for a CPD allocation with CPSC. 

I am absolutely delighted to let you know that Free2bme and Free2beface-to-face was allocated an amount of 2 Continuous Professional Development (CPD) points each from the Council for Pastoral and Spiritual Counsellors (CPSC formerly SAAP) for personal development.

We are still in the beginning phase of this new direction that we believe Father showed us to take Free2Celebrate in, but we are already seeing progress.  In practice this means that Pastoral and other Christian counsellors will be able to earn in total 4 CPD points towards their annual amount of required CPD points when they attend a Free2bme and a Free2bface-to-face seminar. 

I love new opportunities, new challenges and new open doors.  We are deeply thankful... profusely celebrating and giving all Honour and Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ for opening this new door!